In project 5, we were able to explore the power of diffusion models and how we can manipulate a sequence of noisy images to generate new images.
In this project, we were given 2 objects that already allow us to sample images from the models and by giving it one of the predefined prompt, we can generate images that match the caption. The random seed I used was 180. Below is an example of images the model generated with the prompt as the caption and the number of inference steps it took to generate it. The quality of the images at interference step 200 is better than at 20. This is shown through the attention to details in the bckgrounds and added dimentions in the images. We can also see that the man with the hat goes from black and white to an a colored image showing that higher number of iterations also can generate colors.
The first part of tackling diffusion models is implementing the forward process. This is the process that takes clean image and add noise based the mean and variance of the corresponding noise coefficients.
In our first attempt in denoising the images, we are going to try using gaussian blur to remove the noise
Now we are going to put it all together. The noisy image is passed through the UNet denoiser, which predicts the noise that was added to it. Then the predicted noise is added to the original image which creates the denoised image.
With one step denosing we are able to get a pretty good denoised image. However, we can still improve the quality of the image by iterating the process.
We can use iterative denoising to also generate images from scratch.
To improve the quality of the image, we can also use classifier free guidance.
In this part of the project, we stepped through the process of creating a diffusion model from scratch.
At this point, we can train UNet model to iteratively denoise image using FCblocks and training our data using Algorithm 1 from the paper.
We can add Class-Conditioning to the model to further improve the quality of the generated images.